The Age in Place (AIP) repairs program partners with older adult homeowners on vital exterior repairs, focused on safety, access, and health. WLS Habitat for Humanity has served over 90 families in the past 9 years with the Age in Place program.
Your home is located in Carlton, southern St. Louis, or Lake county.
You own and live in your home full time
You are willing to partner with Habitat
You meet the income requirements for your county of residence:
St. Louis and Carlton counties
# of Household Members -- Minimum Income 30% AMI* -- Max Income:80% AMI*
1 : $16,050 : $42,800
2 : $18,350 : $48,930
3 : $20,650 : $55,060
4 : $22,890 : $61,070
Lake county
# of Household Members -- Minimum Income 30% AMI* -- Max Income:80% AMI*
1 : $15,650 : $41,730
2 : $17,900 : $47,730
3 : $20,150 : $53,730
4 : $22,350 : $59,600
* AMI = The area median income (AMI) is a statistic generated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Projects Can Include:
Accessibility ramps
Porch, deck, and stair repair
Basic landscaping
Gutter maintenance
Most projects are completed in a single day and help to revitalize families, neighborhoods, and strengthen connections within the community.
If you are interested in partnering with WLS Habitat on your home repairs, have a friend or family member who qualifies for the program, or just want to learn more, email